11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Location: ABC Supply Co, 6251 Rittiman Rd San Antonio, TX 78218
Speaker: Darren Williams, Mastery Partners
Title of Topic: Increasing the Transferrable Value of your Business
Description of Topic: Whether you are interested in growing and scaling your company or you are preparing to exit or transition, you should always be focused on increasing your transferrable value. We will discuss the Top Value Drivers and what makes companies valuable, and the Biggest Deal Killers that are the obstacles holding most companies back.Sponsorship Information:
Your sponsored funds help cover the cost of the lunch for these educational meetings. In return, we include your company logo on the CTRCA website event page, your sponsored lunch & learn registration landing page, the weekly eNews blast and all of CTRCA social media pages when promoting the event. You also have the opportunity to have 5 -10 mins to speak at your sponsored lunch & learn and hand out promotional items, flyers, etc.
CTRCA is committed to providing in-depth and comprehensive education for our local Central Texas industry. We are currently seeking speakers for the 2024 year. This is your opportunity to share your knowledge and skills and make a difference in the lives of roofing professionals. To be considered as a speaker for our monthly Lunch & Learns, please click the button below to submit a speaker interest form.